
Wolverine Blues

Wolverine Blues är ju som alla vet ett av Entombeds bästa album. Vad alla kanske inte vet är att albumet gavs ut i en alternativ version med Marvels Wolverine på omslaget. Jag saxar direkt från Wikipedia:

One version of the album was released with Marvel Comics character Wolverine on the cover, although Entombed never wanted their album to be associated with the superhero. Earache Records, without the band's permission, had made a deal with Marvel in order to use Wolverine to promote the album to a more mainstream audience. This edition included a Wolverine mini-comic inside the CD booklet. The Marvel edition was also heavily edited, with the track 'Out of Hand' being removed entirely.

Kul! Vi ses på spelningen på Klubben den 26 april. Pepp.