
Mr Sinister

På grund av att jag ska se 30 Days of Night nu så håller jag mig kort och presenterar helt utan krusiduller dagens superonding:

Mr Sinister
Mr Sinister

Wikipedia beskriver Mr Sinister enligt nedan:

He possesses control over his body's cellular structure, enabling him to shape-shift, adapt his physical form to counteract mutant powers, and rapidly regenerate from damaged or destroyed tissue. Sinister is superhumanly durable and strong, and has demonstrated telekinetic and telepathic powers in the past, including the ability to mentally paralyze a foe by touch, release his astral form, move objects, project energy blasts, and being able to withstand psionic assaults from psychics. Sinister is a geneticist of the highest order, capable of creating superhuman abilities and enhancing or controlling mutant abilities, including being able to predict genetic mutations and splice DNA.

Jag beskriver Mr Sinister enligt nedan:
En man med väldigt tveksam klädsmak.

Mr Sinister